
How Has The Clean Water Act Helped

The 1972 Clean Water Human activity has driven pregnant improvements in U.Due south. water quality, according to the showtime comprehensive study of water pollution over the past several decades, by researchers at UC Berkeley and Iowa Country Academy.

The squad analyzed data from 50 million h2o quality measurements collected at 240,000 monitoring sites throughout the U.Southward. between 1962 and 2001. Nearly of 25 h2o pollution measures showed improvement, including an increase in dissolved oxygen concentrations and a decrease in fecal coliform bacteria. The share of rivers safe for line-fishing increased by 12 percentage between 1972 and 2001.

A forest stream

The Clean H2o Human activity has decreased measures of water pollution in U.S. lakes, streams and rivers.

Despite clear improvements in water quality, nearly all of twenty recent economic analyses estimate that the costs of the Make clean Water Human action consistently outweigh the benefits, the team found in piece of work also coauthored with researchers from Cornell Academy. These numbers are at odds with other environmental regulations like the Clean Air Act, which show much higher benefits compared to costs.

"Water pollution has declined dramatically, and the Clean H2o Act contributed essentially to these declines," said Joseph Shapiro, an associate professor of agricultural and resource economics in the College of Natural Resources at UC Berkeley. "And then we were shocked to find that the measured benefit numbers were and so depression compared to the costs."

The researchers propose that these studies may be discounting sure benefits, including improvements to public wellness or a reduction in industrial chemicals not included in current water quality testing.

The analyses announced in a pair of studies published in the Quarterly Periodical of Economics and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Cleaning upwards our streams and rivers

Americans are worried about clean h2o. In Gallup polls, water pollution is consistently ranked as Americans' pinnacle environmental concern – higher than air pollution and climate change.

Since its inception, the Make clean Water Human activity has imposed environmental regulations on individuals and industries that dump waste material into waterways, and has led to $650 billion in expenditure due to grants the federal government provided municipalities to build sewage treatment plants or improve upon existing facilities.

All the same, comprehensive analyses of h2o quality have been hindered by the sheer diversity of data sources, with many measurements coming from local agencies rather than national organizations.

To perform their analysis, Shapiro and David Keiser, an assistant professor of economics at Iowa Land University, had to compile information from three national water quality data repositories. They also tracked down the date and location of each municipal grant, an undertaking that required iii Freedom of Information Human activity requests.

"Air pollution and greenhouse gas measurements are typically automatic and standard, while h2o pollution is more often a person going out in a boat and dipping something in the h2o." Shapiro said. "Information technology was an incredibly data and fourth dimension-intensive projection to get all of these h2o pollution measures together and then analyze them in a fashion that was comparable over time and infinite."

In addition to the overall decrease in water pollution, the team found that water quality downstream of sewage treatment plants improved significantly subsequently municipalities received grants to improve wastewater treatment. They as well calculated that it costs approximately $one.five million to make one mile of river fishable for one year.

Comparing costs and benefits

Calculation up all the costs and benefits — both monetary and non-budgetary — of a policy is 1 way to value its effectiveness. The costs of an environmental policy like the Clean Water Human action can include direct expenditures, such as the $650 billion in spending due to grants to municipalities, and indirect investments, such every bit the costs to companies to ameliorate wastewater treatment. Benefits can include increases in waterfront housing prices or decreases in the travel to discover a skillful fishing or swimming spot.

The researchers conducted their ain cost-benefit analysis of the Make clean Water Human activity municipal grants, and combined it with 19 other recent analyses carried out by hydrologists and the EPA. They found that, on average, the measured economic benefits of the legislation were less than one-half of the total costs. However, these numbers might non paint the whole picture, Shapiro said.

"Many of these studies count little or no benefit of cleaning up rivers, lakes, and streams for human health because they assume that if we drink the h2o, information technology goes through a separate purification process, and no matter how dirty the h2o in the river is, it's non going to affect people's health," Shapiro said.  "The contempo controversy in Flint, MI, recently seems contrary to that view."

"Similarly, drinking water treatment plants test for a few hundred different chemicals and U.S. industry produces closer to 70,000, and then it is possible there are chemicals that existing studies don't measure that have important consequences for well-beingness," Shapiro said.

Even if the costs outweigh the benefits, Shapiro stresses that Americans should not have to compromise their passion for clean h2o — or give up on the Make clean Water Deed.

"There are many ways to improve water quality, and information technology is quite plausible that some of them are first-class investments, and some of them are not smashing investments," Shapiro said. "So it is plausible both that it is important and valuable to improve water quality, and that some investments that the U.Due south. has made in recent years don't laissez passer a benefit-cost exam."

Catherine Fifty. Kling, professor of agricultural and life sciences and environmental economics and Cornell University, is a co-author on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences paper.

Research funding was provided by the U.Due south. Department of Agriculture through the National Institute of Food and Agronomics Hatch Projection IOW03909 and Award 2014-51130- 22494 and a National Science Foundation Award SES-1530494. Much of the research was completed while Shapiro was at Yale University.


  • Forthcoming articles in the Quarterly Journal of Economics
  • The low but uncertain measured benefits of U.s.a. h2o quality policy


Joseph Shapiro,


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